Office on Women's Health Behavior Health Change and Bridging Evidence to Practice in Women’s Health


Synergy supports the Office on Women’s Health (OWH), which is in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), with a range of communications support services. The goal is to increase awareness of the leading causes of death in women and girls and health issues that primarily affect women, such as menopause, and to drive behavior change related to those causes and issues. Synergy conducted environmental scans on the 10 leading causes of death for women—with particular attention to risk by subpopulation, such as age groups; social determinants of health; promoting women’s health across the life course; co-occurring conditions; and prevention. This continually evolving scan provides in-depth insights into women’s health and serves as a foundational element in OWH’s overall content development strategy. Synergy also developed materials for and promoted National Women’s Health Week, crafting daily website blurbs, a toolkit, digital stickers, and shareable content within short deadlines. Another major focus has been the development of a comprehensive strategic communications plan for an OWH campaign to address congenital syphilis (CS)—a major public health crisis—by raising awareness of related disparities, bolstering prevention strategies, and providing resources to the communities most affected. 

Female doctor sits at desk and chats with an elderly female patient about her test results.


Synergy worked with the Task Force on Maternal Mental Health, co-led by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and OASH/OWH, to produce a report to Congress and national strategy in an unprecedented 7-month period. For both reports, Synergy’s science writers provided meeting summaries for 50+ task force meetings that informed document development; served as the lead writers; and completed all editing, graphic design, and Section 508 compliance remediation for the May 2024 launch event. Synergy also led the management of the event, coordinating a hybrid event with 100+ in-person and 500+ virtual attendees.

  • Cover of the National Strategy to Improve Maternal Mental Health Care
  • Cover of Task for on Maternal Mental Health Report to Congress
Female doctor sits at desk and chats with an elderly female patient about her test results.


  • Strategic Communications
  • Social Media
  • Research and Analysis
  • Scientific Writing and Content Development
  • Website Development
  • Media Monitoring
  • Graphics


  • General Public
  • Providers
  • Policymakers