Multiracial group of children in preschool hallway

21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC)


Synergy operates the 21st Century Community Learning Centers’ (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC), which was established in September 2023 through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. The 21st CCLC NTAC’s mission is to provide best practices, evidence-based resources, and professional learning opportunities to build 21st CCLC programs’ capacity to support underserved youth and their families. The center addresses priority areas that include capacity building, sustainability, access to resources, learning needs, academic focus areas and STEM activities, statutory and program requirements, and fiscal compliance. The 21st CCLC NTAC website ( provides “anytime, anywhere” access to online courses, toolkits, and other resources specific to the out-of-school time (OST) context. These resources are free and available to the public, so any OST program can use them.

Y4Y Website Career Pathways for Students Web Course screenshot


The 21st CCLC NTAC addresses the urgent need for 21st CCLC program centers to build capacity to serve students equitably and well by bolstering the knowledge and training of the 85,000 professionals and 11,403 volunteers employed in OST settings. The support provided by the 21st CCLC NTAC helps strengthen the nation’s 10,652 programs, which in turn, serve nearly 1.4 million students. With the support of the 21st CCLC NTAC, these 21st CCLC programs help students meet state and local academic standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offer enrichment activities that complement academic programs; and provide literacy and other educational services to the families of more than 350,000 participating students.

Y4Y Website Career Pathways for Students Web Course screenshot


  • Technical Assistance and Training Development and Facilitation
  • E-Learning Course Development
  • Materials Development
  • Web Design and Development
  • Information Technology Security and Governance Strategic Advisory Services
  • Project Management Office Integration
  • White Papers
  • Section 508 Compliance


  • State Education Agency Coordinators
  • Program Directors
  • Site Coordinators
  • Program Staff
  • Program Finance Staff
  • Program Evaluators
  • Local School System Officials
  • School-Day Leaders
  • Community Partners
  • Parents and Youth