Synergy is continuously growing and evolving to add value to our clients, community, and the industries we support.

What's New
From innovative solutions for our clients to community engagement, below are some of Synergy’s most recent newsworthy initiatives.
Synergy is honored to announce that National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded us with two small business set-aside contracts: NIH PICS III and NIHCATS IV.
December is HIV/AIDS Awareness Month
Since 2011, Synergy has helped the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) HIV Research Program (HRP, formerly the AIDS Research Program) form and maintain an integrated vision and strategy to guide HIV/AIDS research about drug misuse within the United States and internationally.
Effectively Communication is Key to Connecting with Audiences
Our strategic communications experts at Synergy ensure each client’s voice is heard loud and clear, cutting through the clutter to connect with audiences effectively.
New Contract Awards
It’s been an exciting summer for Synergy Enterprises, Inc. (Synergy)! With the award of several new federal contracts and key recompete wins, Synergy will continue to deliver work that helps improve lives and strengthen people, programs, and communities.
Accolades for the “Talk. They Hear You.”® Campaign
Synergy has won two PR Daily Awards recognizing our team’s creativity and effort working with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration on the “Talk. They Hear You.”® campaign.
Industry Insight: Synergy's Strategic Approach to Digital Storytelling
Learn how Synergy harnesses the dynamic potential of social media to elevate our clients' narratives and foster community engagement. In this Industry Insight, Senior Communications Associate Keisha Brewer delves into our strategic approach to storytelling, showcasing how we leverage multiple social media formats to amplify our clients' missions and initiatives. Continue reading to learn strategies for unlocking the possibilities of digital storytelling!
Synergy Advances the Delivery of the National Strategy and Report to Congress on Maternal Mental Health
“Confident—that’s how I felt when I learned that Synergy Enterprises would be a key player in producing the Task Force on Maternal Mental Health’s national strategy and report to Congress. Both products are of the utmost importance in saving and improving the lives of perinatal people and their families. Accuracy, accessibility, actionability, and an extremely quick turnaround were essential—and Synergy has the subject matter expertise, credentialed staff, and experience developing reports of this importance needed to do a great job,” explained Elaine McCarthy (formerly Rahbar), Vice President of Strategic Communications at Synergy.
Synergy Awarded HHS IDIQ Contract
Synergy Enterprises, Inc was recently awarded an IDIQ contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Synergy President and CEO Prachee Devadas Shares a Cause for Wise Celebration
The choices parents make about drinking alcohol can influence the choices of their children. Learn more about new research and resources that can help parents and other adults feel more confident talking with children and teens at risk of underage drinking.
Synergy's Work with REMS TA Center Recognized by White House for Mitigating Opioid-Related Emergencies
Synergy’s work on the U.S. Department of Education’s Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center contract was cited in a letter recently released by the U.S. Department of Education and the White House Office of National Drug Policy Control as a resource for schools and communities to support safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness, including opioid-related emergencies.
Expanding Our Support of Women’s Health
We are delighted to announce that Synergy has been awarded new work in the vital domains of women’s health and public health.
Synergy wins a 5-year contract to create literacy program
The Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Technical Assistance Center won a 5-year Blanket Purchase Agreement supporting the U.S. Department of Education.